Ingo (IO) is doing well and is in good health. Since his arrival,
we have had a number of interesting events and one particular troubling
event that involved IO and Keeley (KY). KY would regurgitate for
IO after every meal - this is a parenting behavior that wolves possess.
IO, sensing that he could get KY to deliver warm meals, developed
this into a habit. KY lost more than 10 pounds during this period
while IO continued to gain. We are glad to report however that since
the beginning of November, we have not observed this exchange of
food between IO and KY. Since IO arrived at Wolf Timbers (8-8-99),
he has enjoyed his puppyhood and the special privileges that come
with it. He has been observed causing much annoyance of the adults
without being reprimanded. Usually the method he uses to harass
his older packmates include biting them on the ear, pouncing on
them as they are resting and in chases, he will grab a rear leg
of the adults - preventing them from escaping. Observing how a puppy
is introduced to the pack, how the pup is treated as it grows and
matures and finally, observing the behavior of the wolves as the
pup emerges from its "protective alpha pup status" to
being treated as an adult is really interesting to observe. From
all indications, our pack has now entered the last phase of this
triad. This means that IO is now beginning to be reprimanded by
the adults and we can observe the beginnings of how the hierarchy
may for the time being be settled. IO and NA are usually the first
to eat while KY waits. However, KY has been observed lately eating
with the other two. Both KY and NA have full "power" to
move whenever and wherever they want - social freedom, one of the
observable characteristics of high-ranking wolves. IO can no longer
consistently take food or objects away from the adults without facing
a "grumpy" NA or an intense KY. Please read a segment
of my notes below for a description of the above scenario. 11/6/99
also wanted to get involved and it appeared that he was also tormenting
KY. All of a sudden, KY began to growl and took off after IO. KY
did not seem to care at that time about anything else except to
get at the pesky mass of wolf fur and really teach him a lesson.
At this point, NA sensing that this was "fun" also took
part in the chase of the pre-teen wolf. I imagine that if IO were
caught, he would face a strict reprimand. After about 7 minutes
of the two adults chasing the "firecracker" (IO), they
were able to corner him against the fence. Although we could not
see what happened next, we surmise, by IO actions later, that he
was thoroughly chastised and "put into place" by the alphas.
After the high-speed chase was over, the adults freely took drinks
of water while the accused stood about 10 feet back, watching. As
the adults approached us, IO gingerly made his way to get a cool
drink. After interacting with the humans, both NA and KY went to
rest. It was then, and only then that IO decided that it might be
safe for him to approach us". When I compare IO to NA and KY
as puppies, IO seems to be on the whole, better "behaved".
This is probably the result of IO watching how NA and KY interact
with humans. IO has never really lunged at us, having never observed
NA and KY do this to us humans on a regular basis. However, the
other day, both NA and KY were "excited" to see their
human packmates and lunged more than any other time in the previous
ten months. IO then began to lunge as well. It was only after observing
the adult's lunge that IO then lunged. IO tests very little and
does not explore us with his mouth as much as NA and KY did. IO
does take the matter of possessions very seriously. When he is able
to secure an object from us, he is more difficult to barter with
than NA or KY. I can remember when IO very discreetly took a brush
from a volunteer one day. We use the brush to clean out the water
containers. IO, after securing this brush, made off with it like
a kid at a candy store. He ran to the opposite side of the enclosure,
bouncing all the way with his tail going a mile a minute. We usually
carry small items in our pockets that we can use to barter with
the wolves. These items are trivial for us and in case the wolf
decided to eat it, are made of material that will not harm the wolves.
After we tried bartering with these items, IO still decided that
his possession was worthier than ours was. We then decided to barter
with a small piece of deer hide. From the expression on his face,
he was saying to us "what - for that - are you kidding?"
We were eventually able to repossess this brush after we opened
the gate to the holding pen - IO ran right in. We have been working
with IO more on giving him an object and then allowing him to chew
on it for a few minutes and then we will take it away. We do not
do this with food, as food is too powerful of a stimulant. We will
allow IO to a few bites on this item, usually a folding knife case,
only after he has politely asked to. We then will take this away.
This teaches IO that these items are not food and that they do not
belong to him. We also will do this with enclosure items: sticks,
grass, stones and other such items. We then ask IO to sit and if
he does, we will give these items to him. We do not take these items
away from him because these items are generally not brought into
the enclosure when humans come in. It appears that IO has split
the differences of NA and KY as far as how he interacts with humans.
He does not show the obvious caution around males, as does KY, yet
he is not as ready to meet new people as NA is. As with most wolves,
relationships between the wolf and the human need to be nurtured
and should contain many more positives for the wolf than the human.
For the human, just being close to a wolf is usually enough of a
reward. With IO, those sponsors and volunteers that "put in
the time" are rewarded with a good relationship with IO. As
of October 2, 1999, IO weighed in at 65 pounds. He is up to date
on all vaccinations and his coat is very thick. Predictions are
that he may be larger than NA, we will see.